Sunday, January 31, 2010

1/31/10; Thruster 5x5

Thruster 5-5-5-5-5
1. 145
2. 160
3. 170
4. 175
5. 180 (3 reps, dropped bar on 4th.)

The warm up- Row for 500m, Press Bar 3 sets of 10, Air Squats 3 sets of 10, 1 set of 95# for 5 reps. Not much. Just a little something to get the appropriate muscles loosened up. I'm really enjoying the rower (especially since I have one nearby for once) so I use it a lot to warm up, as opposed to the standard 1/4 mile run. Some light stretching afterwards and then I turned up the shuffle real loud and listened to system of a down.

The WOD- I had a hard time guaging where I would be on this one. That's why there is such a disparity between my first set and my last. I knew that I was handling 135 for 7 reps pretty easily, but sometimes a 10# jump is a lot. I started off conservatively and then graduated up 10# increments until I hit the magic number where it started to feel real difficult- 170#. After that, I did the 5# increments and it all worked out...until the last set. I rested well between sets, but not too long. I had my timer on my watch set for 3 minutes, but I wasn't rushing to the bar as soon as it went off. I wanted to make sure that I was strong for each set.

Total time at the gym: ~35 minutes. This was a good WOD. I'm starting to like the thruster more...we'll see how much I like the next time I do Fran. Ugh.


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