Monday, January 11, 2010

1/11/10; CFE 120:60 x 6

As I warned when I started this blog, I will listen to my body and not allow my 2010 goal to interfere with my family/professional life. That's the whole point of doing it, right? That's the reason I never showed up on Saturday to do another CF workout. The wife had to work a long day, and quite frankly, I was really sore from the previous week of workouts.

Today's workout was another Mr. Pukie special. Before I start, I wanted to throw a shout out to RDU Airport Courtyrad Marriot. The hotel is nice, the staff was friendly, and, more importantly, their fitness room was immaculate. Although it's tiny, their was adequate space, and the equipment was very nice (insert Borat voice). I worked out on a LifeFitness treadmill, the same type found at the globo-gyms.

CFE WOD- I picked this one because I knew that it would be easy to do and relatively quick, given my schedule today. 120 seconds on (all out, as usual) and 60 seconds of rest for 6 rounds.

Total Distance: 2.27 miles
Fastest pace: 6:05 per mile
Average pace (on sprints): 6:17
Recovery pace: 16:37 per mile (a fast walk)
Incline: 1.5%

I was smoked. It sucked, but was awesome. It's nice to measure your progress on the treadmill and compete with yourself after every round. To keep things in perspective, my resting HR is usually in the low 50s to high 40s...on the recovery rounds, I never saw my HR dip below 146.

I think I've discovered in the last week why CF and CFE is so effective. It requires the user to get in the mental state of constantly pushing his/her limits. When you consider this, it's no wonder the workouts ruotinely attract many in the special operations community, public servants in the protection/ security areas and fitness FREAKS!

Ok, it's time for me to head off to the shower and get ready for this conference. I can't wait to sit for eight hours. Ugh.



  1. First of all, thanks for taking Saturday off! I really appreciate you taking Reagan to the birthday party (even though she was a wild child that day) and doing all of the household chores even after I returned home. You're the best! Anyway, because of you....I've decided to do the CrossFit endurance thing! You're an inspiration to me. Thanks for that!

  2. No prob, honey! Thanks for following.
