Wednesday, January 6, 2010

1/5/10; Row 5k (AGAIN!)

Not for the weak or fainthearted. That’s how I would describe the C2 rower. It really is amazing how exhausting those things are. I would compare it to either swimming the equivalent distance or going all out on an Army obstacle course (Darby Queen comes to mind).

Total time- 19:36.7, I beat my last time by almost 10 seconds. I tried a different approach this time. I went as smooth and as powerful as I could until I felt juiced, then I started to slow my pace for about 100m, and then went after it for 500m, repeat. It seemed like a good strategy. I did catch myself overextended on the return of the row towards the end of the 5k. This is dangerous because it puts your spine in a precarious position. I corrected immediately upon noticing it. I see a lot of people doing this in the gym and, to be honest, I think I did too until I watched the vids on the CF site.

Rest day tomorrow…thank God! My upper body is pretty smoked. The diet is definitely making a difference. I feel like I have a lot more energy, since I put away sugary foods and “bad” carbs. Now, if I could just stay away from Diet Coke.

I may have to alter the schedule that I proposed...more to follow on that one. It's for personal, time management reasons, not from some deep seeded belief of an error in the CF ways. Bottom line, I'd really like a day where I don't have to worry about thing...I think that it's going to be Sundays.

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