Thursday, January 7, 2010

1/7/10 CF endurance

2 x 12 minutes all out runs. 2 minute rest between sets. The goal is to cover as much distance as possible. I had to use a different workout area, as the treadmills across the street from work were disable for some construction.

This is a great training run workout for the Army types! I always shoot for a sub 12:30 on the 2 mile portion of our physical fitness test and this is a great training tool. The workout sucked. Again, I blame my lack of conditioning and seasonal weight variance for not hitting the distances that I would like to have attained.

1x12 mins- 1.70 miles (7:05.3 minutes per mile)
2x12 mins- 1.57 miles (7:38.6 minutes per mile)

I missed my timing on the first run and tried to make it up in the end. I started a little slower than I probably should have and tried to catch up on the back end of the 12 minute split. During the two minute rest I tried taking really deep, cleansing breaths and walked around in a circle near the treadmill. I did this to ensure nobody hopped on the machine while I was off of it, which I’ll address later. The second run, I was just juiced. I tried to push it hard in the end again, but really had nothing left. When I got done, I pretty much felt like puking. In fact, I had to start moving right away to feel better.

If it weren’t for the fact that Austin is freezing and ridiculously windy today, I would have done this outside with my Garmin. I can see that doing this workout at a gym would be problematic, especially if you belong to one of those gyms where people are lined up to hop on a treadmill or you’ve got the “powerwalkers” on the treadmill for like 3 hours.

The machine that I used today was a Cybex “Trotter”. I had to set the incline at 2% because the machine didn’t allow for .5% incremental increases or decreases. This may have made the run a little bit more difficult. Further, this treadmill felt like it moved faster than the ones I usually use. It sounds strange, I know, but I’ve been running for 16 years and I know what my pace feels like… I felt like I got short-changed on the distances. I guess the next time, I’ll just run outside with the Garmin and suck it up with the cold weather.

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