Tuesday, January 19, 2010

1/19/10; BW Bench Press??

Five rounds for max reps:
Bodyweight bench press
Pull ups
1. 7/12
2. 6/9
3. 8/8
4. 8/8
5. 6/7

Total reps- 35/44

I tore my rotator cuff in my right shoulder at a Brazilian jiu jitsu tournament a little over four years ago. Since then, I avoid the bench like the plague. It makes me uncomfortable, and frankly I suck at it, now. Prior to the tournament where I injured myself, I could bench my bodyweight over 30 times. Now, the results are posted… and I bench close to that in my five rounds. The pull ups look pretty bad, too. The pull up station I used at our base gym is positioned in such a way that you can’t really kip like you can on a traditional bar. So, I had to stay really strict with my pull ups. I guess that this was good and bad. Good to focus on form, bad for numbers.

This WOD is boring. However, for the strength component of crossfit, it’s necessary. I rested exactly three minutes between sets. The total time for this workout was just under 30 minutes. I played with comfortable grip positions in the beginning and didn’t really find my groove until the third set. I’ll keep this in mind for the next time I bench. I warmed up with a light job, some lat pull downs, push ups, and some rotator cuff mobility work. (Internal/external rotation, scaption, laterals, etc.)

Overall, I’m not too disappointed with this WOD, but it was boring (did I mention this already?). I like to move in my workouts, but this is a necessary evil for strength development. Just like Oly lifts, we have to do the hard stuff to get better. There’s no way around it.


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