Friday, January 15, 2010

1/15/10; Fighting off Mr. Pukie

5 rounds
Run 400 meters
25 GHD Sit ups
25 GHD Back Extensions
Total time- 14:00

GHD= Glute Ham Developer. It’s one of those arcane pieces of equipment that sits in the corner of the gym untouched. You’d have to google it to get an idea of what I’m talking about. Well, I don’t have a GHD where I work out. So, I subbed with sit ups and the superman exercise. The superman (not to be confused with the popular rap song) is an exercise where you lie supine, and flex your lower lumbar muscles, simultaneously raising your hands in front of you and raising your feet off the ground.

I felt really strong today. My goal was to finish under 15:00 and I did. Needless to say, I was pleased. Unfortunately, as I write this (some 30 minutes after working out) I still feel like hurling. I used the treadmill at the usual settings, laid an exercise mat on the floor with two 60lb. dumbbells at the end to support my feet for the sit ups. I’d hop off the machine, get on the mat, bang out the sit ups, roll over do the superman exercises, then hop back on the treadmill. To keep the flow easy, I left the treadmill running and did math on the fly to determine when 400 meters (.25 miles) had passed, then hopped off and did the next round. At the end, I rolled over on the mat and just gasped…then it hit me…Mr. Pukie. I didn’t pop, but I felt terrible for at least another 45 minutes. Awesome.

I wanted to make mention of my diet and the impact it’s been having. As I’ve mentioned, I’ve been doing this “eat clean” and Paleo combination diet. Basically, it's meat (fish, chicken, bison, cow) and plenty of greens and fruits. The Paleo diet asks you to stay away from grains, beans, and potatoes, but I can’t stay away from grains. When I do eat grains, I make sure it’s not the “white stuff.” I tend to follow the Michael Jackson rule of breads and grain products- the whiter it gets, the less wholesome it is. Anyhow, following this diet the last three weeks has been easy. The only time consuming part is cooking oatmeal. Eating clean requires that you stay away from the instant stuff and go with the old 10-20 minute cook time oatmeal. I eat when I feel hungry, and I eat only a handful sized portion of meat and carbs and a half handful of fats (nuts, avocados, etc.) It’s going well and it’s easy to follow. I only end up eating about 4 or 5 times a day.

Total time for the workout from warm up to cool down- 31 minutes.


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