Monday, January 25, 2010

1/25/10; Clean and Jerk and GHB SU

Three rounds for time-

135# Clean and jerk
Total time- 7:43

As I've noted in previous posts, I don't have a GHD. So, I just place the dumbbells near my feet, "lock in" and get going. To make things a little more difficult for this exercise, I went ahead and placed a 25# plate on my chest. I know for a fact that a GHD sit up is on a completely different level than a normal sit up, so I made this a little harder.

To warm up I did the usual work, 1/4 mile run, push ups, OH squats with a bar, warrior pose, blah, blah, blah. However, the wakeup call came when I decided to do some clean and jerks with just an Oly bar. About my third set of 10, towards the last rep, I heard a loud "CLANG!" followed by a flash of white, and the distinct sound of teeth crashing together. Milliseconds later, I could feel the grittiness of teeth particles floating around in my mouth. Crap.

That's right, I smashed myself in the jaw with the bar. As I write this, my teeth still hurt and I finished the WOD about three and a half hours ago. No big cosmetic issues, just some pain and the back of one of my cuspids are a little chipped.

Back to the WOD- It was tough. I think that Crossfit's faulty programming here is that they want you to go "for time" with a complex lift like the Clean and jerk. If you're ego is huge, you'll definitely begin to sacrifice form for a better time. I learned this listen the hard way with a Hang clean WOD about four months ago. Today, however, I focused on form during the Clean and jerks. Again, I don't have bumper weights, so I have a tendency to return the weights gingerly, as opposed to the usual Olympic style. Sit ups weren't much of a problem, as it's a strong suit for me.

Overall, great WOD. Total time at gym with two people doing this WOD- less than 30 minutes.



  1. OUCH! Damn, dude, slow down on your WODs. You're too pretty to scratch up like that.

    You briefly mentioned CF's desire to go for time.

    Unless you're sprinting or performing something athletic that requires a timed approach, I don't see much use in going for time. It's an accident waiting to happen, be it a popped shoulder, a slipped disc, a snapped knee, or a cracked tooth.

    It's all about proper form, and if your form is suffering, your body is telling you you're finished with that set.

    - Eric

  2. It wasn't the WOD that got me, it was the warm up. I wasn't paying attention (obviously) to bar placement and the Oly bar smashed me under the chin. I was fortunate that it was just an empty bar.
