Monday, February 1, 2010

2/1/10; Grace

30x 135# C&J

Total time- 4:14

I was pretty smoked this morning and hit snooze for the better part of an hour. I suspect that if I'd have just set the alarm for an hour later, I'd have felt more rested. I didn't really "wake up" today until about noon. I felt pretty tired all morning long. The late hours and early mornings are beginning to take a toll.

Warm up- I jogged for a 1/4 mile to get loose and ready for this one. I did some C&Js with just the bar, being careful not to pop myself in the jaw again. After I did 3 sets of the bar, I upped the weight to 95#. I did two sets of about 6 reps.

The WOD- I lost some time on the front and back end, because I didn't have someone timing me. So, I suspect I lost a second or two setting the grip after hitting start on my watch and another second after I laid the bar down. I ground through reps 1-10 pretty easily, then the fatigue began to set in. At 15 reps I was about at 1:40. At 20 reps I was right at 2:22. From that point on it was one or two reps at a time, reset, and repeat. I paid really close attention to my form, as this exercise was the culprit behind my surgery about five months ago. Basically, I didn't rush anything too fast on this WOD.

Total time at the gym- less than 20 minutes. This was a really quick workout and when I got done, I had to lay down from exhaustion. I'm sure that I'm really going to feel this in my traps and lower back tomorrow. Good WOD, but I would probably do a Crossfit endurance workout on top of this, if time allowed.... of course, a minimum of three hours post-WOD, as CFE Rxs.


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