Thursday, May 6, 2010

5/7/10; Kung Phooey...

Three rounds for time:
Run 400m
25 Sandbag get ups (pick a doesn't matter, they're all heavy)
25 Burpeees

Total time: 22:17

I did a little gymnastics warm up this morning- 5 rounds of 5 pistols (to a bench set at 18"), 3 L-pull ups, handstand holds at 10s, and 10 Abmat situps. Good work to develop the gymnastics set. Nothing too strenuous, just something to get the blood pumping in the morning.

Warm up- 400m, 10s of pull ups, push ups, squats and lunges. I covered the squat, and midline stability importance for the folks that joined us for the first time. We also covered acceptable techniques for the SBGU and proper burpee technique.

WOD- It was HOT! I got cotton-mouthed after the first round. I had to take a sip of water between rounds 2 and 3. I went straight through on SBGUs on the first round, but burpees left me at 10/10/5. Subsequent rounds were broken up to 7/6/6/6 for both exercises. On the last round of burpees, I went 5/5/5/5/5. I had to go to my happy place for the last round.

Kudos to Kevin White for sitcking to the as Rx! Great work buddy. Everybody else did great, too! I'm especially proud for Candi getting out there and fighting through the WOD with the team. Keep up the hard work, the diligence will pay off!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Sir. I appreciate that. This was seriously so challenging for me. Awesome though.

    My time on the modified CF WOD: 18:22. (I think. I know it was 18, and I remember a 2 in it... so I'm going with what I'm 85% sure is the correct seconds...)

