Wednesday, May 5, 2010

5/6/10; Two-fitty

Five rounds for time:
10 Box jumps (24")
10 Wall balls (homemade Med Ball- it's heavy)
10 KB Swings (55#)
10 pull ups

Total time: 13:53

So, first I wanted to talk a little bit about something I "re-learned" at the Crossfit cert- You have to train what you suck at! I suck at Oly lifts and gymnastics (the technical stuff). So, I'm going to start taking more time (probably about 10-15) minutes a day building in little easy, wake your butt up, circuits to get me going in the morning. I started this morning with Oly bar power snatches, front squats, push presses, and med ball cleans. Five rounds for five reps. Not for time, just working technique...because as technique develops, intensity develops, which yields higher power output....which means...."Increased work capacity across broad time and modal domains." Crossfit's goal and definition of fitness.

Warm up for the WOD- 400m, 10x PUs, PLUs, SQTs, and Lunges. Followed by liberal stretching and rotations.

WOD- Good. Very demanding and required a lot of focus. I think that today was the first time that I did wall balls for time as part of a WOD. I ordinarily avoid them at all costs, because they suck. No more...I'm going to add them to the repertoire. Rounds were pretty tight in the beginning and then I got really gassed. The heat added another level of suck today. 90 degrees, but it felt like 97 and this was all done outside. GPP, baby.



  1. Interesting, Sir. So, when you say you need to train what you suck at, would that mean, like, I should train on burpees more? Lol. But seriously, is that the idea?

  2. Oh yeah, my time for this one: 16:15.

  3. Yes, that's the idea. Maybe not everyday, but certainly practice them. Like pull ups for people that can't do pull ups, they train the weakness to get better and more well rounded. Today, I learned one of my weaknesses is Med Ball twists...looks like the old core ain't what it used to be!
