Thursday, May 20, 2010

5/21/10; The century

100 burpees for time
-immediately followed by-
max reps on pull ups (unbroken grip) and squats (no pausing at the top)

This is a good recovery for the hard WODs this week.

Total time- 7:01 (crap!!!!) 9 pull ups and 10 squats.... I was juiced.

Not very many comments on this one... I'm just a little POd that I missed coming in under 7:00 by :02. I should have spent less time feeling sorry for myself during the recoveries.

Rest this weekend. I may do some Oly lift practice with light weights.



  1. Time: 13:26

    Previous time: 19:something

    significant improvement

  2. This was my first shot at 100 burpees for time.

    I managed a 7:41, 15 pull-ups and 20 squats.

    I felt pretty smoked for a "recovery" WOD... LOL!! Definitely gonna rest this weekend.
