Monday, May 24, 2010

5/25/10; Push-Pull

7 rounds for time:
10x 40# DB squat clean to anyway over head (jerk, press, push press)
10x Pull ups

Remember to practice form on the squat cleans- full hip extension, should shrug, dip under weights to squat. I'm going to bust out the new 20# MIR vest for this WOD tomorrow. It's going to suck.

Total time- 12:38

Warm up- Ballistic stretching. Warm up on the Oly bar with snatches, cleans, front squats- 3 sets of 10 each.

WOD- Brutal. I had to modify this because I don't have 40# DBs at the house. Instead, I did a 95# Oly Bar sub. This one sucked....bad. I tried to pace myself so I wouldn't juice during the WOD. At one point, I was circling the Oly bar to catch my breath before doing pull ups.

After I got done, I did some additional work on Oly lifts. Every minute on the minute for five minutes, I did 3 Squat clean and Jerks with the 95# Oly bar. It sucked.


1 comment:

  1. 17:26

    Still can't do pull ups, although I did widen my grip and found it significantly easier and isolated my back rather than biceps.
