Monday, May 10, 2010

5/11/10; Gymnastics and Oly Lifts

7 rds for time:
10 HSPUs
95# Squat cleans (can sub 45# DBs)
10 L- pull ups

Grip should go fast on this one... be careful and pay attention to form. Subs for beginners are 10 incline push ups (use the stairs), and Ring Rows. To reduce transition time- use the stairs by the back door and hang the rings from the hand rail. DBs and Barbells must go completely to ground.

Total time: 19:06

Warm up- light calesthenics and DU practice in the garage. It was REEDICULOUSLY humid in there, this morning.

WOD- Grip went fast, just like the main site said. I had to switch to pike HSPUs as a mod in round 5. I couldn't sustain sufficient form and output on the HSPUs. Despite the light load of just a 95# BB, my lungs and grip was burning, so later rounds were broken up 5/5 or 4/3/3. Very difficult. I tried to maintain really good form on the lifting portion. Opening up the hips all the way, then shrugging and ducking under the bar to the front squat rack. L-pull ups were sloppy at the end. More of a lazy, wide mouthed PAC MAN pull up.

I was drenched in sweat when I got done. As I said before....stupid warm in the gym this morning. While you're doing the WOD, be honest and don't count sloppy reps. I took away quite a few HSPUs because I wasn't getting low enough... that's when I transitioned to the pike HSPU.



  1. 37 min was my time for this WOD. It was possible this was the hardest i have ever pushed on a workout in my life! thank you for the support and helping me through the workout!

  2. Adam, you were inspiring, I gotta say. That was a lot of heart.

    My time was 25:15; Sir, this was awesome! I'm so excited about the incline pushups; I've never been able to do those (or I've never attempted...)
