Friday, May 28, 2010

5/28/10; Oly Work

Every minute on the minute for 15 minutes:
3 squat cleans or power snatches with 95#

Warm up- Oly bar snatch and squat clean work, followed by 95# squat cleans. Then, some ballistic stretching.

WOD- I chose 115# squat cleans because yesterday morning I did this for ten minutes and did Power Snatches. Needless to say, my traps were a little tender today. This was a nice Oly workout and good for an "active recovery" day.



  1. I did the 15 rounds of power snatch with 95 as RXed but it was cake so I increased by 2 reps every round rounds 15-20, so my last 5 rounds were 5,7,9,11,and 13. That's 90 reps in 20min.

    Next time I can probably do 3x15 with 135.

    I like power snatch.

  2. Drew, great work. You're definitely a hoss. We've got to get you doing the squat snatch next on this WOD. It's pretty tough, you've got to recruit your core and keep really good form on the sqaut or FAIL miserably.

    On the next W day, we'll do back squats....
