Sunday, April 11, 2010

4/12/10; Angie and yummy CF Kool Aid

Baseline testing on Angie:
For time-
100 Pull ups
100 Push ups
100 Sit ups
100 Squats

CF Team- See previous times to set your goal.

Total time- 15:57 (smashed PR by 3 mins)

Warm up- I ran 400m and then did some ballistic stretching as well as some lunges.

WOD- I was pretty surprised with my performance on this WOD. I just read the the previous Angie BLOG and here are my numbers-
100 pull ups completed in about 9 minutes- this time about 6:30
100 push ups completed near the 12 minute mark- this time about the 10:00

I hit sit ups and thought that I'd burn right through it. Heck no! I broke it up 25/15/10 and then sets of 5-8 until I hit the century mark. I was destroyed when I got up and was about 13 minutes in at that point. My hip flexors were on fire and I was closing my eyes while doing the squats. It totally sucked. My time keeper told me I was at 15:50 when I hit 90 squats and i burned through the last 10 as quickly as I could. I was extremely happy with my result...3 minutes, awesome.

In other news, people are noticing. Our CF crew at work has gone from 3 to 8 or 9, depending on the day. PT test results came in and everyone that was CFing made substantial improvements of over 40 points on their tests. Surprising improvements were on the 2 mile run, as CF doesn't require a lot of the running that you normally do with traditional Army PT. I've submitted my request to get a unit CF gym started. We'll see what happens. CF works and I'm happy to say that I'm changing my little unit into kool-aid drinkers.



  1. OMG!!! That was a definite suckfest. I just finished the WOD and I'm smoked. Having a tough time typing right now.

    This was the first time I have done Angie...not a fan!

    My time 17:42
