Monday, April 19, 2010

4/20/10; Gymnastics

AMRAP in 12 minutes

Sprint 50m
3 L pull ups
3 handstand push up

Total- 9 rounds and 1 HSPU

Warm up- Easy stuff... just more DU practice, and some ballistic stretching and squats.

WOD- Tough, but more frustrating than anything else. I'm trying hard to get better at the more advanced gymnastics stuff. I started to fail on HSPUs at the end of the 12 minutes. I would have to do one at a time towards the end and focus really hard on keeping the core tight.


1 comment:

  1. In the 12 minutes I completed 3 push-ups shy of 5 rounds. I should have been able to do almost one more...but I totally ate dirt. I'm sure you'll hear the story tomorrow about my magnificent trip. :)

    I'm sore. My legs are sore from yesterday, and I just know my arms are going to be tomorrow! Good sore though! Do you know what I can do about shin-splints? They're throbbing. I know Aleve is supposed to help. Anyway, good WOD today! I'm just glad y'all didn't see me take the fabulous digger I took... UGH!
