Wednesday, April 14, 2010

4/15/10; Ab destroyer

For time:
10 KB Get ups
1 Burpee
9 KB Get ups
2 Burpees
8 KB Get ups
3 Burpees
7 KB Get ups
4 Burpees
6 KB Get ups
5 Burpees... All the way down to 1 Get ups and 10 Burpees

Immediately follow up with max rep of pull ups (kipping allowed)

Use a 55# KB or DB. One complete rep starts at the supine (on your back) and ends with the KB or DB over your head. KB or DB must stay in your hands at all times for the rep to count.

Total time- 16:13; 22 pull ups

Warm up- DUs and some pull ups, push ups and a few squats. I was giving my legs a much needed break from this last week’s events. I’m still a little sore from all the running and squatting.

WOD- We started at 20 and then went to 9. I had to modify this from the original post. It totally sucked. To clarify, it went 20 KBGUs, then 9, 8, 7, etc. I went straight up to 15 and had to catch my breath. After that, I went unbroken until the round where I needed to do 8 KBGUs. I had to bust that up into 4/4. Every subsequent round of KBGUs until I hit 3 were broken, as well. I swear I saw the holy ghost on my last three rounds. Holy mackerel. I don’t know how I did it, but I managed to finish in a respectable time. Other CFers in the unit, modified the WOD appropriately (weights, and repetition scheme) and were getting after it this afternoon. I’m sure that I’ll be cursed tomorrow by everyone in the office for coming up with this stupidity. Great WOD, functional fitness, and strength development.

I’m really enjoying the fact that everyone in the unit is actively participating in the WODs. It makes me proud to see everyone getting after it in the gym and getting comfortable being uncomfortable.

Congrats to Sergeant White, who after stagnating on his old regimen has managed to lose 6.5 lbs since CFing with the crew. He’s only been on the program for 4 weeks.



  1. This WOD is appropriately named. I thought I was going to see Uncle Pukie a couple of times. We modified this WOD and went 20, 9, 8, 7, 6 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 on the KB Get Ups, and 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 on the Burpees.

    My time was 17:24 and then 21 pull-ups.

    I'm smoked! Gonna drink water and get to bed early tonight.

    Can't wait until the new equipment arrives at the unit. Thanks for putting that together Mike. I may have to use that list when I get to Ft Jackson.

  2. Wow. I don't know what else to say, but I enjoyed it, oddly. I did the modified version for "newbies." I did 10, 2, 8, 4, 6, 6, ...

    My time was 11:30 and then I got 4 pull ups (ugh).

    It felt good, and I know you saw me almost fall flat on my ass on my way out the door. My whole body was wobbly!

  3. Correction: my time was 11:23. I don't know why I rounded up!

    Thanks again for the encouragement. A little competitor emerged once you set that stop watch in front of my face and suggested how cool 11:30 would be...

  4. Great work everyone. Keep it up.

    @Doug- I'll be sure to get you the list and website

    @Joy- Three weeks. Once you hit three weeks, the habit is developed. Stick to it, you're doing great!

  5. This WOD was a lot of suck! I had to modify the KB to a 35lb not the 55. The end result was 17:07 of pain. After that i could only get 8 pull-ups.

    But i did manage to make the overall tree standing
    tree=2 LT=1
