Tuesday, April 13, 2010

4/13/10; Run and OH Squats

For time:
5 rounds
45# plate OH squat

Total time- 15:46

Warm up- Standard protocol of 400m, 10s of pull ups, push ups, squats, and lunges. I also did some L-pull ups and Hand stand push up practice this morning.

WOD- All rounds sucked. I wasn't quite on my game today and I was totally exhausted. Great moment today was getting my butt kicked by Doug. He turned out the fastest time today. I was having a hard time keeping active shoulders and the arms locked. I averaged a little over 3 mins a lap, consistently. My legs are trashed.

Great turn out on the WOD today. We had 11 people show up and participate. Crossfit is growing at the unit and I found out we're going to get funded for $2500 to build our own CF gym. Exciting times!



  1. Sir, that's so awesome!! When and where will the CF gym go?!

    Here's my CF report:
    15 squats
    time: 13:56

    Here's the link to my new blog: http://squareoneendeavor.blogspot.com/

  2. I'm following! Great work today. CF gym is going to be stored in the back of the S3 shop until we get a storage shed.

  3. Well today's WOD was a definite smokefest. When Mike and the gang finished and he had a 15:46 and looked smoked. I was hoping to come in about 18 min. I am usually within 2 min of his time as long as we don't do DUs. When I was done with my 3rd lap and beginning my squats Mike said that I was on a pace to crush his time. I didn't believe him because he generally lies to me about my time to make me go faster/harder. I was giving it my all today and had bad cotton mouth the last 2 rounds. When I got done and they told me my time all I wanted to do was rest on the cool grass.

    The time... 13:42 I was friggin gassed and wasn't right 2 hours later. What an awesome WOD. If anyone has any doubts about CF, don't. It works, period!!!

  4. Wow, awesome guys, how many reps on the 45lb OH Squats?

    Murrs Crossfitesque workout at Golds:

    7 rounds: 19:00
    135lb barbell
    15 benchpress (105 total)
    10 deadlift (70 total)
    5 powerclean (35 total)
