Wednesday, April 7, 2010

4/8/10; More DU suck

For time:
Row 500m (sub 50 SDHP)
150 DUs
50 Burpees

Total time- 12:34

Warm up- 400m and 10s of Pull ups, push ups, squats, and lunges. We also did some DU work on the ropes prior to getting started.

WOD- Subbed the row with the KB SDHP...not quite the same at all. I managed to hit 43 unbroken, rested for a second without regripping and finished the last 7. DUs sucked It took me almost 8 minutes to hit 150 DUs. I couldn't get into a rhythm and my arms were a little tweaked from getting after the SDHPs. Burpees weren't anything to brag about- 20/5/8/7/5/5. I was dripping sweat at the end and my shoulders are still fried as I type. PT test in the morning ought to be interesting... General Physical Preparedness.



  1. This WOD didn't sound to bad to me, except for the DUs. I can't do them to save my life. I gotta practice them. The SDHPs weren't to bad 25/5/10/10. The break at 25 was not a good idea at all. The DUs took me forever. The Burpees burned after all the other exercises. My goal was a sub 20 min, since I can't do DUs.

    Time 19:57 - just made it.

  2. Great work, man. Try practicing DUs in the morning. 3x 10 -or- 5 minutes of every minute on the minute 10 DUs. Increase reps as you get better and remember to start with a cadence first, then consecutively.
