Tuesday, April 20, 2010

4/21/10; Murph

Hero WOD- Murph

For time:
Run 1 mile
100 pull ups
200 push ups
300 squats
Run 1 mile

Total time- 42:12
Analysis- ~18:30 on the 2 mile; 2.34s per repetition

Warm up- Lots of stretching and complaining to Rob about how much this is going to suck. I usually stretch very little before a WOD and just do a good, thorough warm up. I really wasn’t feeling it today, though. This WOD was all mental.

WOD- I didn’t try to get a land speed record on the first mile. I know that it TOTALLY goes against everything CF preaches, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I did, however, keep the pace up on my pull ups/ push ups/ squats splits. I broke it up into five sets of 20/40/60 respectively. I never went a round unbroken. I went unbroken on pull-ups on the first round, but after that it was 10/5/5, then 7/7/6 on the last round. All push ups and squats were basically a split of 20/30 twice or 15/20, then 15/20, then 10/20. I was so frigging exhausted by the time I finished. I plodded off for the 1 mile run and never found a rhythm. Rob looked at his incredibly gay green nike band and it told us that we averaged about 10:30 on the last mile. For the record, Rob smoked me by 44s. Great work, buddy.

Here’s to Navy Lt. Michael Murphy. (MOH recipient) Thanks for your ultimate sacrifice in service to our country.



  1. Oh dear God. Great. Thanks for choosing this one.

  2. Sir,

    I forgot the piece of paper at work that had the modified version of this. I think it was:
    1 mile
    20 Ring Rows
    100 Squats
    30 Push ups...?
    1 mile
    So: 10/20/25 for rests?? Nope... that's not it. I don't remember. Help.

  3. 1 mile
    5 sets of 10/20/30 (pull ups/push ups/squats)
    1 mile


  4. WHOA. I know ring-rows was part of it...not pull ups! I'm not She-Ra yet! But ugh! Ok... I'll "enjoy."

  5. I did it, I did it!

    1 mile
    50 Ring Rows
    100 Push ups (I ended up doing knee ones to keep form)
    150 Squats
    Time: 54:31
