Thursday, June 17, 2010

6/18/10; Randy

75lb Snatch....wait for it....

75 times for time.

Hitting this up at the home gym tomorrow morning. 0930. Be there or go build an ant farm.


Total time- 5:09

This WOD was pure pain. I had set a goal in mind of hitting 15 snatches per minute to finish my time in 5:00...I was off by 9 seconds and to be honest, I'm proud of my time. I made it to 19 without breaking...I thought I was on 20, so I did another one and rested a little bit. After that, I hit maybe 10 or so, then it was 8, and then the rest of the time I was just doing 5 at a time and sucking in air. Grueling. I must have laid on the cement in my driveway for about 5 minutes recuperating.

After we got done, I helped my neighbor and moved over 16,000 lbs. (5.5 pallets of 45 x 68# bricks) of reatining wall bricks to his backyard. In true crossfit fashion, we did it for time- 2.5 hours. Needless to say, I'm very sore today as I write this.



  1. WOW!!! This was a smoker. I watched Mike do his and I knew it was gonna suck. I have only done the snatch a couple of times so I planned on 10:00 min for the WOD. I actually surprised myself and came in at 6:41. The penguins arrived somewhere between 50 and 60. Mike did the math after we recovered a bit and we moved 5,627 lbs. That's just nuckin' futs!

  2. It's actually 5,625. But that's only if you're a math major. Oh...that's 18 lbs. per second or... a little over a half ton a minute. Sick.
