Wednesday, March 24, 2010

3/25/10; Unit Chipper WOD

Chipper- a WOD mixed with various different training modalities, designed to expose the athletes to various different physical tasks. In our line of business, this is good to throw in every once in a while.

For time:
Run 800m
30 45# plate Thrusters
30 Burpees
30 Box jumps
Run 400m
30 45# plate push press
30 pull ups
30 DUs
Run 400m
30 push ups
30 sit ups
25m 45# OH walking lunge
Run 45# plate back to start

Total time- 20:16

Warm up- Usual warm up protocol. We added one more to the group today. If we keep this up, the unit is going to be NMC during WODs….I’m good with it. I went over a description of some of the exercises and modifications for the new people in the group. For the 2 new people in our group, we changed number of reps to half on “G” exercises and cut weight to 25# plates on the other exercises, but stuck with the repetition scheme.

The WOD- 800m in 3:00 even. No land speed records, but I was working on keeping a good pace and saving some energy for the high power output exercises like the thrusters and push presses. As I type, my shoulders and forearms are burning…ugh. Banged out the thrusters in 20/10, burpees in 15/10/5 and box jumps in 10/5/5/5/5. I was TOTALLY winded on the second 400m. Push presses went 20/10 and pull ups went 21/5/4, DUs were just terrible. I couldn’t get into a rhythm and they really chewed into my time. I couldn’t get into a rhythm because at this point, my shoulders were on fire. Last 400m seemed like forever. My legs felt like I had 20# ankle weights on them. Unbroken push ups, the sit ups went 10/10/10, and then I muscled through the lunges stopping twice to rest. I jogged back…but it was a very slow jog.

I honestly felt like I wanted to add more of a strength component to this WOD. Power cleans or Clean and Presses with 135# would have been nice to add to this. The next time I program it, I’m going to add these events. Great work by everyone. Those that have been joining me in the WODs have been showing great signs of improvement evidenced by steady weight loss and general physical improvement in the realm of strength, power and endurance. I’m really proud of all of them.


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