Monday, March 15, 2010

3/15/10; 30 Muscleups for time, Max pull ups, and a century of situps...

For time-
30 MUs
Max pull ups (count reps)
100 sit ups on the abmat

10:06 for muscle ups
23 pull ups
3:06 for sit ups

As you can see, it's been a while since I hit a WOD. After a busy week, hectic scheduling, and a respite from stress, I'm back at it. Today was supposed to be Barbara, but I'll save her for another day. After caring for a sick wife and daughter, I was a little smoked and did my own "programming" today. It was a "G" day, so I worked on something I hate (Muscleups), pushed it a little hard (max reps pull ups after MUs), and got prepped for our upcoming PT test (sit ups on the abmat).

Warm up- 5 sets of 20 DUs and push ups/ lunges/ broomstick shoulder rotations. I've been adding in more broomstick rotations to add to my ROM on the bad shoulder. MUs are especially hard because of the restrictive ROM in the right shoulder. My transition is getting smoother, but the sticking point is the weak shoulder.

The WOD- So...the first thing you're asking is how the heck did Mike do 30 MUs for time if he can't even do one? I scaled them.... I watched a CFJ video on the gymnastics kip and scaled MU and that's where I got my idea. I did all MUs with the rings set at 52" and me on my knees and only using my toes to get myself into position for the transition on the MU. (It's a lot harder than it sounds) Just some recorded numbers- 8 reps @ 2:15; 12 reps @ 3:30; after that it was all downhill and sets of 2 or 3 at a time. After I got done, I popped up to the pull up bar and did as many pull ups as I could manage. I was in a nice groove until I hit 17... then the kip got weak, the grip waned and I was pulling the tower all over the place. I had the abmat pre-positioned on the mat floor and hit the sit ups. FYI- Abmat sit ups are many times harder than your standard PT test sit up. The range of motion is considerable for the little 1.5 inch hump in the center of the mat. At two minutes into the sit ups I hit 77 reps. Still maxing on the Army scale...but my goal is to hit 100 in 1:40.

To cool down I hit some more DUs and broomstick rotations and stretches. I felt great after working out and unfortunately, I'm wired and about 30 mins from my usual rack time. Great.

Another note- get into a schedule with PT and don't deviate from it. If your WOD time is O-dark-30 in the morning, then do it. If it's lunch, do it. If it's mid-afternoon, do it. Otherwise, you won't.


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