Sunday, August 29, 2010

8/30/10; More AMRAP

15 minute AMRAP-

With a partner, do the following AMRAP

Jump Rope to 100 repetitions while your partner does ABMAT sit ups, continue to JR to 200 repetitions while your partner does a 135# DL. Count total number of repetitions and switch out exercises. Be sure to let your partner know when you've hit the 100 and 200 reps. No rest, stay moving for the entire 15 minutes.

Person 1- Jump rope to 200 reps. Switch to exercises once you complete reps.
Person 2- Abmat situps to Person 1's 100 count, switch to 135# DL until 200 count. Switch to JR after Person 1 is complete.


Total number of reps- 248...ugh! So close to 250. What played in my benefit (and eventual suck) was JR's lack of coordination with the jump rope.

I should be fine tomorrow. Today's WOD wasn't too devistating, next time I repeat this, I'll increase the work load or switch to Double unders....maybe both.

3-2-1... GO!

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