Monday, August 23, 2010

8/24/10; Mainsite sickness

Saw this one and couldn't resist. Sorry speedwork, you're going to have to wait till Thursday!

Walking lunges, 400m for time.



Total time- 15:03...YOWZA!

Approach- I figured that since Kristan Clever (CF Games 2010 female champ) did it in 8:48, then I could handle getting done in about 17 minutes (double her time).

I succeeded in achieving my goal. It's been about 45 minutes since I finished the WOD and I still don't feel right. Those lunges were brutal. My knees were bloody from the track and my glutes seized up on me during my slow, agonizing 400m cool-down walk. JR joined me again today and embraced the suck fully. Great work!


1 comment:

  1. Owwww. I can't wait to limb 6 flights of stars tmorrow!
